Antonella Radicchi

Antonella Radicchi

Architect and Urbanist, PhD




Books and scientific treatises

  • Radicchi, A., Leo, G., Haklay, M., et al. (2023). Scaling up citizen science. Mutual learning exercise on citizen science initiatives: policy and practice. Fifth thematic report. Publications Office of the European Union, 2023, ISBN 978-92-76-61952-9, DOI 10.2777/52736
  •  Haklay, M., Gold, M., Huyse, T., Radicchi, A., et al. (2022). Introduction and overview of citizen science. Mutual learning exercise on citizen science initiatives: policy and practice. First topic report. Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-76-46685-7, DOI 10.2777/29886
  • Arias, R., Haklay, M., Radicchi, A. (2022). Ensuring good practices and impacts. Mutual learning exercise on citizen science initiatives: policy and practice. Second thematic report. Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-76-53246-0, DOI 10.2777/389967
  • Gold, M., Haklay, M., Arias, R., Radicchi, A., et al. (2022). Enabling environments and sustaining citizen science. Mutual learning exercise on citizen science initiatives: policy and practice. Fourth thematic report. Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN978-92-76-58863-4, DOI 10.2777/305248
  • Gold, M., Arias, R., Haklay, M., Radicchi, A., et al.(2023). Mutual learning exercise: citizen science initiatives: policy and practice: final report, Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-68-00379-4, DOI 10.2777/988919
  • Radicchi, A. (2012). Sull’immagine sonora della città. (On the Sonic Image of the City). Florence: Firenze University Press. ISBN: 978-88-6655-295-6, e-ISBN: 978-88-6655-278-9 (open access)

Edited special issues of peer-reviewed scientific journals

Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals 

Referred chapters in edited books

Chapters in edited books

  • Radicchi, A. (2019). “Hush City. From crowdsourced data to open source planning of quieter and healthier cities”, in Besters, M., Marrades Sempere, R., Kahne, J. (eds) OUR CITY? Countering Exclusion in Public Space, Placemaking Europe Publications, pp. 367-370. ISBN: 978-90-830089-0-5
  • Beccaria, C., Guerrucci, E., Radicchi, A. (2012). “Le Architetture del Made in Italy”, in Zevi, L. (ed) Le quattro stagioni. Architetture del Made in Italy da Adriano Olivetti alla New Economy. Naples: Electa Publisher, pp. 88-89. ISBN: 978-8837093228
  • Radicchi, A., Rojas, F. (2009). “Soundscapes Oltrarno”, in Frenchman, D., Mitchell, W. (eds) Technology, Livability and the Historic City. Future of Firenze. MIT Press, pp. 80-85. ISBN 978-0-9794774-3-0

Articles in professional practice journals

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • Radicchi, A. & Henckel, D. (2021). “Planning artificial light at night for pedestrian visualdiversity in public spaces”. Proceedings of the international conference Shaping light for health and wellbeing in cities, 16-17 December 2021. 27. Radicchi, A. & Henckel, D. (2021). “Planning artificial light at night for pedestrian visualdiversity in public spaces”. Proceedings of the international conference Shaping light for health and wellbeing in cities, 16-17 December 2021. ISBN 9788854970823 – DOI 10.6092/UNIBO/AMSACTA/6863
  • Alberti, F. & Radicchi, A. (2021). “From the Neighbourhood Unit to the 15-Minute City. Past and Recent Urban Models for the Post-Covid Future”. Proceedings of Science and Technology, International Conference on Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development, Florence (IT), September 14-16 2021. ISSN (Print: 2537-0731, online: 2537-074X)
  • Radicchi, A. (2020). “Are POPS effective design and planning tools that can favour the creation of healthy, open spaces in contemporary cities? Notes from an empirical study in New York,” in Talia M. (ed), La città contemporanea: un gigante dai piedi d”argilla. Proceedings of the International Conference Urbanpromo XVI edizione Progetti per il Paese. Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano, pp. 340-346. ISBN 9788899237226 (open access)
  • Radicchi, A. (2020). “Passeggiate partecipate e tecnologia mobile citizen science. L’esperienza del processo partecipativo per la redazione del piano delle aree quiete di Berlino 2019-2023” (“Participatory walks and mobile citizen science technology. The experience of the participatory process for the Berlin Quiet Areas Plan 2019-2023”), Urbanistica Informazioni no. 289, Atti della XII Giornata internazionale di Studi INU/12° International INU Study Day “Benessere e/o salute? 90 anni di studi, politiche, piani / Welfare and/or Health? 90 Years of studies, policies and plans”, 18 December 2020 (written in Italian)
  • Hasegawa, Y., Lau, S-K., Radicchi, A. (2020). “Assessments of users’ living soundscapes in a tropical urban city exploring objective audio-visual components and subjective perceptions with the mobile application technology’. Proceedings of Internoise 2020 E-Congress, 23-26 August 2020, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Radicchi, A. (2019). “A soundscape study in New York. Reflections on the application of standardized methods to study everyday quiet areas.”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics 2019, 9-13 September 2019, Aachen (DE). ISBN: 978-3-939296-15-7 – ISSN: 2226-7808 and 2415-1599
  • Radicchi, A. (2019). “Is a Noisy City Sustainable?” in Beth, A. et al. (Eds.). Proceedings from EDRA 50: Sustainable urban environments. Brooklyn, NY: Environmental Design Research Association.
  • Radicchi, A. (2019). “Smart Citizens for Sound Cities”, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, InterNoise19, 17-19 June 2019, Madrid, Spain, pages 2995-3992, pp. 3987-3992(6). ISSN 0736-2935
  • Radicchi, A. (2019). “Mobile applications for environmental noise and soundscape evaluation”, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, InterNoise19, 17-19 June 2019, Madrid, Spain, pages 3993-4998, pp. 3993-4001(9). ISSN 0736-2935
  • Radicchi, A. (2019). “Untapping the potential of soundwalks as participatory methods for co-designing smart cities”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 (4), 2873-2873, 2019. DOI:
  • Radicchi, A. (2019). “An experimental soundscape study, combining binaural recordings, in-situ questionnaires and behavioral mapping”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145, p. 1753. DOI:
  • Radicchi, A. (2018). “Everyday quiet areas. What they mean and how they can be integrated in city planning processes”, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, InterNoise19, 26-29 August 2018, Chicago (USA), pages 2984 – 3995, pp. 3727-3735(9). ISSN 0736-2935
  • Radicchi, A. (2018). “From crowdsourced data to open source planning. The implementation of the Hush City app in Berlin”, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, InterNoise19, 26-29 August 2018, Chicago (USA), pages 2984 – 3995, pp. 3747-3754(8). ISSN 0736-2935
  • Radicchi, A. (2018). “The use of mobile applications in soundscape research: open questions in standardization”, Proceedings of EURONOISE 2018, 27-31 May 2018, Crete (G), pp. 2471-2478. ISSN: 2226-5147
  • Radicchi, A. & Henckel, D. (2018). “Combined Sound- & Lightwalks. A perception-based method to analyze and evaluate the sonic and light environment of our cities at night”, Proceedings of EURONOISE 2018, 27-31 May 2018, Crete (G), pp. 2405-2410. ISSN: 2226-5147
  • Radicchi, A. & Vida Manzano, J. (2018). “Soundscape evaluation of urban social spaces. A comparative study: Berlin-Granada”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144 (3), p. 1660. DOI:
  • Radicchi, A. (2017). “The HUSH CITY app. A new mobile application to crowdsource and assess “everyday quiet areas” in cities”, Invisible Places. Sound, Urbanism and the Sense of Place, Proceedings of the International Conference Invisible Places, São Miguel, Azores, pp. 511-528. e-ISBN: 978-989-746- 129-3
  • Radicchi, A. (2017). “Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes. A mixed methodology to analyse, evaluate and plan “everyday” quiet areas”, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust., 30, 040005. DOI:
  • Radicchi, A. (2017). “Quietness as a commons: Integrating soundscape in urban planning for the environmentally just city”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142 (4), p. 2671. DOI:
  • Radicchi, A. (2013). “Emotional Geography and Soundscape Studies. Beyond the cognitive approach in (sound)mapping urban spaces”, in Morello E., Piga B. (eds) Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication, Proceedings of the XI International Congress EAEA11 European Architectural Envisioning Association. Milan: Nuova Cultura Publisher, pp. 267-272. ISBN: 978-8868121365
  • Radicchi, A. (2012). “The Sonic Niche. A new design tool to enhance and create atmospheres through sounds in the contemporary city”, in Thibaud, J-P., Siret, D. (eds) Ambiances in Action / Ambiances en acte(s), Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Ambiances. Montreal: Ambiances International Network / Ambiances Reseau International, pp. 253-258. ISBN: 978-2952094832
  • Briani, M. & Radicchi, A. (2010). “Paesaggi sonori e deriva urbana” (“Soundscapes and city drifts”), Territori di ricerca. Ricerche di Territorio, Proceedings of the VIII National Conference of the Interdoctorate Network in Urban Design and Territorial Planning, Vol. II, pp. 80-97, Alinea Publisher. ISBN: 978-8860554734

Technical and research reports (internally referred)

  • Radicchi, A. (2023). Scaling up citizen science. Topic Five Thematic Report prepared for the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Radicchi, A. (2022). Scaling up citizen science. Topic Five Discussion Paper prepared for the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Radicchi, A. (2022). EU-Citizen.Science. The platform for sharing, initiating, and learning Citizen Science in Europe. Final Periodic Technical Report. Part B. Submitted to the European Commission Research Executive Agency.
  • Radicchi A., Fabó Cartas, C., Sanz, F., Camacho, P. (2021). Citizen Science for Policy Across Europe, MfN, Berlin, Germany. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5820364
  • Radicchi A. (2020). Berlin Hush City Master Plan, Technical Report of the research project Hush City Mobile Lab, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Submitted to the HEAD-Genuit Foundation.
  • Radicchi A. (2020). Final Research Report of the research project Hush City Mobile Lab, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Submitted to the HEAD-Genuit Foundation.
  • Radicchi A. (2019). The open source soundscapes approach to everyday quiet areas. Criteria and recommendations for the Berlin Plan of Quiet Areas (2018-2023), Technical University of Berlin. Technical Report submitted to the Municipality of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
  • Radicchi A. (2018). Final Research Report of the research project Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Submitted to the EC &TU Berlin/Ipodi Program.


2009 – Present


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CS4RIVERS is a citizen science project conducted by the University of Siena within the National Biodiversity Future Centre, a PNRR-funded project that brings together national scientific research excellence and modern technologies to monitor, preserve and restore biodiversity in order to counteract anthropogenic impacts, the effects of climate change and to support ecosystem services in a sustainable way

The project aims to constitute the Citizen Science Observatory of the Ombrone River Basin by involving local communities and stakeholders in monitoring its fluvial biodiversity. Specifically, the project participants are involved in training, data collection and analysis, and definition of policies and strategies for the conservation and protection of the biodiversity of the Ombrone River.

Within the context of this project, from May 2023 to November 2023, I was responsible for ideating, developing and executing the project’s Stakeholder Action Plan which resulted in the creation of a multilevel stakeholder network, including key partners from national, regional and local authorities in addition to local associations, museums, educational partners. See the full list of partnerships here.




National Biodiversity Future Center
University of Siena’s scientific unit
4-Helix Key Stakeholders


The CS4RIVERS project is funded through the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – Ministero Università e Ricerca via European funding #NextGenerationEU.
The project’s visual identity is designed by Orengo & Riondino.



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Within the context of the Mutual Learning Exercise Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice – initiated by the European Commission D-G Research & Innovation in collaboration with 11 Member States’ representatives – I worked as High-Level Expert on Topic 5 Scaling up citizen science. In this role, I was responsible for doing research on the understudied topic of scaling up citizen science to prepare and write the Discussion Paper and the  Thematic Report as well as curate a 2-day Workshop dedicated to exploring the topic via interactive sessions and focus groups held in Berlin on 7-8 November 2022.


Topic 5 in the series “Scaling up citizen science” addressed meanings, dimensions, models and approaches/strategies of scalability in citizen science as well as drivers, success factors and challenges of (up)scaling citizen science projects and initiatives across Europe.

Due to limited knowledge available in the literature about scaling up in citizen science, both the Topic 5 Discussion Paper and the Thematic Report draw on original content generated through a mixed methods approach which combined findings from i) a literature review, ii) a survey distributed among the MLE CSI-PP country representatives, iii) interviews with seven experts in citizen science and cognate disciplines, and iv) three working sessions held during the Berlin meeting on 7-8 November 2022.

The main outcomes of Topic 5 consist of:

  • a multi-dimension qualitative definition of scaling up in citizen science,
  • the MLE CSI-PP Responsible and Inclusive Scalability Framework,
  • nine exemplary citizen science projects and initiatives and
  • eight key areas of action for policymakers aimed at supporting the (up)scaling of citizen science projects and initiatives across Europe.

Firstly, the Thematic Report acknowledges that scaling up is a value/ambition that suits unique types of citizen science projects and initiatives. Hence it suggests that scaling up should be i) a ‘responsible’ and inclusive process, ii) context- and domain-dependent, iii) sustained by a sound logic consistent with the project/initiative, iv) driven by common scientific questions and common social challenges, and v) built on proven impact, related to science and scientific literacy, inclusion, regulatory frameworks, matters of concern (e.g., environmental, societal).

Secondly, drawing on this multi-dimension qualitative definition of scaling up, it introduces the MLECSI-PP Responsible and Inclusive Scalability Framework composed of four models of scalability (scaling up-out-deep-down) and two approaches/strategies (top-down/deliberate and bottom-up/accidental).

Thirdly, it presents five citizen science projects and initiatives exemplary of the four models and the two approaches/strategies of the MLECSI-PP Responsible and Inclusive Scalability Framework, namely: Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!, OpenStreetMap, CurieuzeNeuzen, Hush City and Roadkill. Furthermore, four exemplary upscaled citizen science projects are illustrated in the Discussion Paper, i.e., FotoQuest GO, The Star Spotting Experiment, Tea Bag Index, Dugnad for Havet (in English: Marine Citizen Science) [1].

Finally, the Thematic Report proposes eight key areas of action for policymakers:

  • Rethink the meaning of Innovation in CS acknowledging that today innovation in CS stands in the processes of reproducing/sustaining/upscaling successful CS projects and initiatives[2].
  • Adopt and promote a multi-dimension qualitative definition of scalability which stems from the triangulation of proof of value, matter of concern and social/legal alignment and, according to this definition, define specific evaluation criteria for selecting CS projects/initiatives to be scaled up.
  • Ensure responsible scaling-up addresses the RRI dimensions[3] and ensure they are accounted in the design and development of the projects/initiatives to align outcomes with the values of society.
  • Commit to ‘People First’ (up)scaling processes, acknowledging the importance of keeping people central and connected in the process of scaling CS projects/initiatives and taking action to remove the systemic barriers impeding people from actively participating in science producing ‘contextualised knowledge’ on the local/regional/national/EU level[4].
  • Support a Responsible Scaling Ambition[5] in CS by designing specific funding programs and mechanisms, diversifying the sources/types of funding, and ensuring the funding lines and sources can be visible to CS grassroots movements and bottom-up CS projects/initiatives.
  • Support the implementation of different models (up-out-deep-down) and approaches/strategies (top-down/deliberate, bottom-up/accidental) of scalability, acknowledging scalability in CS is context- and domain-dependent and should be responsible, inclusive and aligned with the logics of the projects/initiatives.
  • Develop local/regional/national/European networks to foster collaboration and initiate discussions about the cultural transformation/s and implications expected via the scaled projects, with an emphasis on the language issue and its cultural and scientific implications.
  • Support the exploitation of citizen-generated data from (up)scaled CS projects/initiatives integrating them in policies and policymaking programs at the local/regional/national/EU level.


Research study, interviews, survey and focus groups:  2022
Writing and publications of the Thematic Report and Discussion Paper: 2022-2023



The author would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions of the participants in the Mutual Learning Exercise Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice, the interviewees and the colleagues who contributed to the Discussion paper and the Thematic Report.

[1] An illustration of these four projects can be found in Section 4 of the Discussion paper “Scaling up citizen science” available at

[2] Schade 2022

[3] The RRI dimensions are public engagement, open access, gender equality, science education, ethics, and governance. Source:

[4] Irwin (1995); Skarlatidou & Haklay (eds) (2021)

[5] Adapted from the term “Scaling Ambition” from Maturano (2020)


Figure above: Picture of a quiet area crowdsourced in Limerick with the Hush City App.


On October, 12th 2020, Antonella was invited to present the webinar “Looking for a Quiet Life?” along with Dr Simon Jennings from Limerick City and County Council. The webinar was organized as part of Limerick European Green Leaf Event Series and it was moderated by Anne Goggin, Senior Executive Engineer,  Limerick City and County Council.
The aim of the webinar was twofold:

  • explore the importance of having access to tranquil spaces for your physical and mental well being;

  • invite people, particularly in Limerick, to become citizen scientists and use the Hush City App to tell us about quiet places where they find a refuge from the hustle and bustle of city life. This will help Limerick City and County Council in the formal identification of  ‘Quiet Areas’ which need to be protected from inappropriate changes.

The recording of the webinar is available on the Limerick EGLA2020 YouTube Channel. Limerick City and County Council Team also made a terrific teaser featuring Hush City. Watch the Hush City Teaser!




This webinar was hosted by Limerick City and County Council as part of its European Green Leaf 2020 programme of events.




The EU-Citizen.Science project “is an online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training and resources for citizen science – by the community, for the community. The vision for the platform is to aid in the mainstreaming of citizen science, and build on the growing impact of citizens participating in research across the full range of scientific enquiry, by supporting the sharing of knowledge, know-how, and experience between anyone doing or wanting to do citizen science. On the platform you will find:

  • A Resources section for sharing useful citizen science resources.
  • A Projects section for sharing and profiling citizen science projects.
  • A Training section for sharing training modules and capacity building.
  • An events calendar.
  • Community Forums for questions, conversations, and collaboration.”

Text Source: EU-Citizen.Science website. Read more about the project, its vision, mission, and objectives here.




The EU-Citizen.Science project has been funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme, in the Science with and for Society programme of work (also known as SwafS). The EU-Citizen.Science consortium consists of 14 partners and 9 third parties from across 14 European member states, as well as other project supporters. Read more about the Team here.
Antonella Radicchi has been proudly part of the Team since August 2020 as a scientific project manager.




Hush City is a free, citizen science mobile app, which empowers people to identify and assess quiet areas in cities as to create an open access, web-based map of quiet areas, with the potential of orientating plans and policies for healthier living, in response to issues framed by European environmental policies (e.g. the EC END 49/2002).

Our cities are becoming noisier by the hour. Only in Europe, over 125 million people are affected by noise pollution from traffic every year (EEA 2014), and apparently, quietness is becoming a luxury available only to a few of us. By using this free mobile app, you will contribute to making quietness available to all those who appreciate it and you will generate open data, which can be exploited by policy makers and planners to monitor and protect the quiet areas crowdsourced.

Hush City app will help you to identify, access and evaluate everyday quiet areas in your neighbourhoods. You can find places such as small, quiet spots where you can go to escape the city’s chaos, relax, read a book, play with your kids, and have a pleasant conversation.

Launched in 2017 within the context of a pilot study in Berlin, Hush City is now used internationally and available in 5 languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Hush City is adopted by the City Councils of Berlin (2018) and Limerick (2020-2021) for the creation of the Quiet Areas Plans.

Join the Hush City community. It is simple!

  • Download the free Hush City app and install it on your smartphone
  • Go to one of your favourite quiet places
  • Launch the Hush City app and click on the button “Map the quietness around you”
  • Record the sound of the quiet place where you are and measure its sound levels*
  • Take a picture of the place where you recorded the sound
  • Answer the questions addressing the environmental quality of this quiet place
  • Share this information with the Hush City community.

Or, use the app to find a quiet spot near to you. Go to it and enjoy spending some time there.

* Please be aware that noise levels measured by the mobile app, may not be entirely accurate, depending on which smartphones are used, weather conditions and other factors.


Watch the Hush City Teaser here. This video was made by Limerick City & County Council, with the support of the EPA.


Hush City app is available on iTunesGoogle Play Stores.


Using the Hush City app, you can:

  • Crowdsource  your favourite quiet areas and share them with the Hush City community;
  • Identify and access quiet areas in your city or in other cities worldwide, shared by the Hush City users;
  • Filter the quiet areas according to their sound levels, descriptors used to tag them, quietness, visual quality and accessibility, as perceived by the users who crowdsourced the quiet areas;
  • Share the quiet areas via social media;
  • Review your personal surveys and delete them anytime without justification;
  • Become a Hush City Ambassador;
  • Give feedback on the Hush City project.


The quiet areas crowdsourced with the Hush City app are open access and available on line via the Hush City Map.


Hush City is included in the EC Joint Research Centre Technical Report (Ponti & Craglia 2020) among the European citizen-generated data projects impacting public policy; and in the European Commission staff working document (2020). Best Practices in Citizen Science for Environmental Monitoring.

As a citizen science analytical tool, Hush City is featured in the WHO/UN-Habitat Sourcebook (Grant et al. 2020) Integrating health in urban and territorial planning.

Hush City is adopted by the City Councils of Berlin (2018) and Limerick (2020-2021) within the context of creation of the Quiet Areas Plans.  See also: Berlin Senate (2020). Lärmaktionsplan Berlin 2019-2023. Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Berlin.

Full list of Press Coverage is available here.


2021 John Connell Soundscape Award

2019 Prix BLOXHUB Interactive, Category: Excellence, Honorary mention. Theme: “Making Urban Space More Liveable Using Digital Technology”.

2016 Falling Walls Young Innovator of the Year Award, Finalist.


April 2017, 1st version; May 2018, 2nd version


Hush City has been invented by Dr. Arch. Antonella Radicchi.
The Hush City’s idea originates from the concept of the Hush Expo app envisioned by Dr. Arch. Antonella Radicchi for the EXPO Milan in 2015, whose mock-up was designed by Dr. Arch. Antonella Radicchi in collaboration with Roberto Lombardo.
Hush City has subsequently been developed and implemented by Dr. Arch. Antonella Radicchi at the Technical University of Berlin, in her role as the Principal Investigator of the following projects:

  •  “Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes” (2016-2018) funded by the IPODI-Marie Curie Fellowship – People Program (TU Berlin/IPODI grant agreement no. 600209)
  •  “Hush City Mobile Lab” (2018-2020) funded by the HEAD-Genuit Foundation [research grant P-17/08-W].

Project Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Henckel (Technical University of Berlin), Diol. Ing. Jörg Kaptain (Berlin Senate, Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection).
Soundscape Advisor: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp (Technical University of Berlin).
Acoustic Advisors: Dipl. Ing. Michael Jäcker-Cüppers (ALD, Technical University of Berlin), M.A. Manuel Frost (Berlin Senate, Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection), Dipl. Ing. Mattia Cobianchi (Bowers & Wilkins, UK).
The implementation of the Portuguese language in the mobile and web-based version of the app was funded by the Brazilian Association for Acoustical Quality – ProAcustica.




Welcome to the Hush City Map!
Here you can explore the quiet areas collected by people in your city and worldwide by using the Hush City app!
The colored markers on the map represent the quiet areas. You can click on them to read the user feedback, have a look at the pictures, and listen to the sounds!
You can also review the quiet areas through the list view mode, if you prefer, by clicking on the list view mode icon.
Or you can filter the quiet areas and visualize them according to their noise levels, the descriptors used by the users to tag them, their perceived quietness, the overall visual quality and their accessibility.
The legend will explain you how to read the colors and the meaning of the numbers placed on the markers.

We hope you will enjoy your digital journey through the Hush City Map. Please, let us know how it goes.

Happy (quiet) surfing!

And… if you like, you can always join the Hush City community and help us in making our world a quieter place to live. Just click here to download the free Hush City app.




The Hush City web-platform was  developed within the context of the Hush City Mobile Lab project, which has received funding from the HEAD-Genuit Foundation [P-17/08-W].




  • 2021 John Connell Soundscape Award, Winner.
  • 2019 Prix BLOXHUB Interactive, Category: Excellence, Honorary mention. Theme: “Making Urban Space More Liveable Using Digital Technology”.
  • 2016 Falling Walls Young Innovator of the Year 2016 Award, Finalist.
  • 2012 Research Award Città di Firenze (City of Florence): Best Dissertation in Urbanism to be published as a monograph with the Publisher Firenze University Press.
  • 2010 Italian National Institute of Urbanism (INU) Best Italian Dissertation in Territorial Planning Award.


  • 2020-2018. HEAD-Genuit Foundation Research Grant, research project: “Hush City Mobile Lab”
    (201.863,20 €).
  • 2016-2018. Marie Curie Fellowship (TU Berlin /Marie Curie-Ipodi Program), research project: “Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes” (135.000 €).
  • 2018 American Society of Acoustics Travel Grant.
  • 2017 American Society of Acoustics Travel Grant.
  • 2017 HEAD-Genuit Foundation Travel Grant
  • 2016 TU Berlin Career Development Grant, research project: Hush City (800 €).
  • 2007-2008 Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarship, one-year doctoral research expedition at the School of Architecture and Planning, MIT, Cambridge, USA (26.000 €).
  • 2006-2009 Italian Ministry of Research Scholarship for attending the School of Doctorate, Faculty of Architecture, University of Firenze, Florence, Italy (approx. 28.800 €).


My scientific research outputs informed/were cited in the following documents released by national and international organisations:

  • European Commission staff working document (2020). Best Practices in Citizen Science for Environmental Monitoring.
  • Ponti & Craglia (2020). Citizen-generated data for public policy. European Commission Joint Research Centre Technical Report. EC ISPRA, Italy.
  • Grant, M. (2020). Integrating health in urban and territorial planning: a sourcebook. WHO/UN-Habitat Publisher.
  • Berliner Senate (2020). Lärmaktionsplan Berlin 2019-2023. Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Berlin.
  • The Municipality of Berlin (2018) and Limerick City Council (2020-2021) adopted the Hush City app for the creation of the Quiet Areas Plans, within the context of the respective Noise Action Plans.



2010 – Present


Soundwalk in Mitte, Pankstrasse area (c) A. Radicchi 2018


Scientific advisory activities on urban quiet areas and participatory methods & tools were conducted for the Berlin Senate (Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection),  within the context of the preparatory work for the Berlin Plan of Quiet Areas (2018-2023).
In detail:
1) the free mobile application Hush City was used to favour the mapping of everyday quiet areas in the participatory campaign “Berlin wird leiser” preparatory to the Berlin Plan of Quiet Areas (2018-2023);
2) two public Hush City soundwalks were conducted so as to involve citizens, public officials and experts in the evaluation and mapping of everyday quiet areas in two neighbourhoods of Berlin: in Altstadt Köpenick (on May 16th, 2018) and in Mitte, Pankstrasse area (on September 11th, 2018).

See also:
– Radicchi, A. (2019). The Hush City approach to everyday quiet areas. Criteria and recommendations for the Berlin Plan of Quiet Areas (2018-2023). Berlino: Technical University of Berlin.
– Berlin Senate (2019). Berlin Noise Action Plan 2018-2023, Berlin, pp. 18, 436, 456-500.




Municipality of Berlin, Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection


Images of the pop-ups created by the City of Limerick for promoting the use of the Hush City app within the context of the Limerick European Green Leaf City 2020. Image Source: (C) City of Limerick 2020.


Limerick was awarded the title of European Green Leaf City 2020 (along with Mechelen, Belgium) in recognition of the city’s commitment to better environmental outcomes, with a particular accent on efforts that generate: green growth, new jobs, improved air and acoustic quality in the city, sustainable mobility, energy districts and smart neighbourhoods.
An ambitious programme of environmental events is planned for 2020 in Limerick and Hush City will be proudly part of these European Green Leaf Events!

    • Hush City App
      Limerick City and County Council invites people to use the Hush City app to map tranquil spaces in and around Limerick City. Read more here.
    • Hush City Soundwalk (this activity is postponed due to the Covid-19 outbreak)
    • On Wednesday 3rd June 2020, Dr. Arch. Antonella Radicchi of the TU Berlin Institute for Urban and Regional Planning will be leading a soundwalk for citizens in Limerick which builds on the promotion of the Hush City app in Limerick. The participants will be guided in a soundwalk through quiet areas in Limerick and invited to collect data using the Hush City app. The walk will last approximately 1.5 hours, including an introduction to the activity and a final group discussion with the participants.


    Meeting point: at the People’s Museum at 6PM.






Hush City was invented and is managed by Dr. Arch. Antonella Radicchi.
The first version of the Hush City app received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement no. 600209 (TU Berlin – IPODI).
The second version of the Hush City app received funding from the HEAD-Genuit Foundation.